Lucas at 9 weeks old!
Okay, so I have been a terrible blogger since the baby arrived! I spend most of my time on Facebook these days, but for those who are actually reading this, here's a quick summary of the last two months:
November 14, 2010: Baby decides it's time to make an appearance. I start contractions around 4 am, head to Piedmont Hospital around 7:30 am, and Lucas Cole enters this world at 5:28 pm. It's a boy! 7 lbs 8.6 oz, 21" long.
The rest of November and early December we kept to the house for the most part. My wonderful mother spent the first three weeks with us and helped with the baby, cleaning and cooking. My sister was able to come visit for Thanksgiving and spend a week playing auntie. My dad also visited several times between work and helped out with a lot of handy things around the house. A huge thanks to them all! We also had visits from neighbors, friends and in-laws.
December 18, 2010: My dear SIL Jennifer weds my brand-spanking-new BIL, Scott, in Pensacola! This was really a great trip, as we were able to celebrate a new marriage, introduce Lucas to the extended Bachmann and Williford families, and also get out of the house for a bit. It was a nice long-weekend trip, and I think we handled our first trip with baby pretty well. When we returned, we spent a nice quiet Christmas at home. My sister was able to visit the week after Christmas for another week, so it was great having our own in-house auntie/pediatrician with us once again!
December 28, 2010: My parents had a traditional Chinese 1-month party for Lucas (he was actually closer to 6 weeks old, but the timing worked out so that my sister could be in town for the dinner.) We had a wonderful dinner party at Shangri-La Chinese Restaurant in Augusta with about 45 people. Lucas got showered with many generous gifts and red envelopes from my parents' friends. We had a great 9-course meal, complete with angel food chocolate chip cupcakes and lucky hard-boiled red eggs for party favors made by Mom.
New Year's Eve was spent quietly at home with a few friends that came over for dinner and Wii games until the ball dropped. Lucas and I fell asleep shortly after midnight.
January: We enjoyed our last week with DH home before he started spring semester at GSU. But then we got hit with a major snow and ice event here in Atlanta on the 9th, so classes were canceled for almost the whole first week. We hunkered down at the house for 5 days, then ventured out for a short walk on Friday, however there was still ice on the roads. Things finally started melting when we got above freezing on Friday and Saturday.
Today: I'm working on finishing up many thank-you notes for many nice and generous baby gifts for Lucas. I'm also trying to get baby announcements done before I am heading back to work and Lucas starts daycare on February 1st. My, has my maternity leave flown by! Lucas had his 2-month appointment yesterday: 2 shots, 12 lbs 14.6 oz, and 22 1/2" long. He's growing up so fast! Happy New Year!