Monday, April 14, 2008

Tax Cat 2007

I'm getting them done, but boy is it a pain. Either the stress or something I ate in the last two days keeps giving me little hives on my face. Ugh. Although, my Tax Cat advisor seems to be on top of things...LOL! Does he count as a dependent??

On top of that, I went online to look for available dates for a mutiple choice section of the ARE today, and for some reason, my authorization to test number is NOT RECOGNIZED! I went backwards and tried to register for a graphics section, and IT WAS RECOGNIZED! ??? Can someone tell me what's going on here? I'm authorized to take the whole freakin' thing! Anyway, I've got an email in to them to get this corrected ASAP and I'm going to hit the phone in the morning to see what I can find out there. Hope I am not on hold for hours...


Erin (moviemuse) said...

Thoth is just so helpful with all of that paperwork. I'm sure he'd hate for it to blow away. Tigger is equally "helpful" when Steve is trying to work on bridge plans at home on Fridays; just plops herself down right in the *middle* of the plans, to get a better look at what he is doing, I'm sure. LOL

Unknown said...

awww...cute tax kittie :)