Monday, March 30, 2009

Baa Baa Black Sheep

We went on a little adventure yesterday with friends Bev and Rich to see a sheep farm do their biannual sheep shearing. It's a little farm in North Georgia, between Dahlonaga and Cleveland, called Wauka Valley Farm. We had a great time despite the unexpected chilly weather watching the sheep get shorn in the shearing barn, seeing the wool wares from the sheep (they know which wool comes from which sheep!), visiting the llamas and alpacas, and of course, lots of petting the sheep dog and sheep kitty. The farm sends off the fleeces that are not sold during shearing weekend and get it cleaned and carded. When they get the cleaned wool back, they dye the roving and sell it for spinning or other crafts. The colors they had were really beautiful, and I bought 4 ounces of roving that was dyed a mix of spruce blue and teal for my friend Val for only $10! (It was a lot of wool for $10!) We had a great time and didn't smell too sheepy at the end, despite the mud and mist. Click on Daphne above to see more photos. Baa!

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